Thursday, 3 February 2011

After a while Spirit Woman came, very beautiful and singing, and this is what she sang

With visible breath I am walking.
A voice I am sending as I walk.
In a sacred manner I am walking.
With visible tracks I am walking.
In a sacred manner I walk.






With visible breath I am walking.
A voice I am sending as I walk.
In a sacred manner I am walking.
With visible tracks I am walking.
In a sacred manner I walk.

[The story of White Bison Spirit Woman 
as recounted by the great medicine man Black Elk; 
Black Elk, in Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks, pp. 3-4]. 

Things I should know

My photo
Starea ta naturala (perfecţiunea) nu este nici entuziasmul, nici descurajarea. Starea ta naturală este liniştea. * Iubirea musei nu e pasională, e totală. Musa cunoaşte ceva asemănător adoraţiei, dar mai adânc, mai liniştit. Vă scriu din altă lume... * (Gellu Naum: Calea Şearpelui)

Things you should know

All photographs and texts belong to me unless otherwise noted.