Tuesday, 21 September 2010

A time when for blue rain I long

blue rain

blue rain

blue rain

blue rain

blue rain

blue rain

blue rain

blue rain

blue rain


  1. a gentle come back?

  2. Hi, Cris,
    I have never thought that rain can generate so much blue and make it into fireworks...or constellations...or the pulsating image of the primeval ocean. Rain and ocean, a happy family reunion.
    Where have you been, btw? Got lost in a maze of blue?

  3. Hi, Anonymous,

    I am glad you like my blue rains and even gladder to read your poetic interpretation of these blue falling waters. The sky is an ocean itself, isn't it?

    I have been at the end of the world in search of a blue rain, where else could I have been? :-) But now I am back, gentle and full of colours. :-)

  4. Hi, Cris, and thanks for your quick reply! Though equally anonymous, I am not the same person as the first respondent here.
    Yes, a blue rain can work miracles. Touches of blue, my favorite color... everywhere: a blue mood, a blue moon, a blue monsoon.
    And, yes, I liked the inky rain turn paler and paler into an anonymous ocean of deceiving colors, treacherous murmurs and whitish vision. An old hag of an ocean that used to be a flamboyant reckless blue rain. That's history in blue velvet!

  5. If the rain would be blue, the sky would be all around us!

  6. aceasta ploaie,mereu albastru-transparenta,scrisa de stele si de luna,a patruns prin fereastra mea,albastrindu-mi gandurile-iar acum o apa albastra imi curge prin vene,proiectand aristocratia pe care mi-ai infuzat-o in infinitul volum al Curgerii

  7. Hi, The Second Anonymous,

    I apologize that this reply was not as quick as the first one. I have guessed that you are not the same as the first Anonymous on this post as your style and the tone are remarkably different. And I am glad you came back to follow this post and, as I said, equally glad that you liked my blue rain.
    Blue is an amazing colour, indeed. It makes me dream and it gives me the feeling of freedom, like no other colour. When I am surrounded by blue, I feel surrounded by intangible beauty.
    I am a sign of air, so my waters are blue, and my ocean is a sky. If I were a sign of water I would probably dive into the green waters of the ocean.

    Kieslowski made a film with and about the colour blue and gave it new meanings. Maybe you have seen it.

  8. Hi, Vladimir

    I like the idea of being surrounded by an endless blue sky in all the seasons.

    If only...

  9. Draga mea Cerasela,

    cat de frumos ai scris.
    si cum, in lumea ta, ploaia are forta magica de a ne albastri gandurile. Si cat de frumoasa trebuie sa fie acea mare de ganduri albastre.

    Marguerite Yourcenar are o 'Poveste albastra' in care negustori cu pielea nu 'indeajuns de pacurie' ofera femeilor, imbracate in rochii in toate culorile pamantului, nestemate albastre in schimbul pielii lor albe. Este acolo o fraza pe care am luat-o cu mine inca de la prima rasfoire a cartii si am stiut, inca de atunci, ca cu tine o voi putea impartasi: 'Negustorul grec ii oferii nestematele sale; ea le refuza ca o femeie fericita.'

    Apoi am adormit linistita.

  10. Hi, Cris,
    thanks for your reply again. No, I haven't seen Kieslowski's film, I'm afraid I'm not very 'literate' in films. Not as much as you are, anyway. But I like music and your 'blue' reminded me of one of L. Cohen's songs "Famous Blue Raincoat". A beautiful song, 'blue' in many ways and many shades. 'Torn at the shoulder' by the thorns of Judas, 'my brother, my killer'... A woman, what else?

  11. Hi, Anonymous, again,
    although apparently we are not that anonymous to each other since you know my passion for films. ;-)

    Since you like music, and here you hit me with Cohen's song - probably you also know of my passion for Cohen('s music) ;-) - I think you could watch Kieslowski's film as the soundtrack of 'Blue' is sheer beauty. I am more than sure that you will like it. Keep me posted. ;-)

  12. Hahaha, Cris,
    You're being shrewd.Yes, I may know certain things about you but Cohen, honestly, was sheer coincidence.I'll do my best and try and watch 'Blue'. Which, I understand, is a film about music and its avatars when confronted with people. And about the tricks it can play on them when betrayed.The color blue as sanction! Sounds great!

  13. Anonymous,
    Cohen is never a coincidence. :-) Anyway, this time I shall trust your words. ;-)
    Meanwhile, I shall be very patient until you find and watch 'Blue'. ;-) After that you will see why - yes, I am quite certain - the colour blue was never more beautiful.

  14. i really like your blue series and the underwater feeling it generates

  15. Thank you, Claudia.
    I am glad you like it. I also like your presence here.

    You are right, this post generates a under-watery feeling. I haven't seen it like this until now.


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