Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The seasons that pass over my fields


Your pain is the breaking of the shell
that encloses your understanding.

Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its
heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.

And could you keep your heart in wonder
at the daily miracles of your life, your pain
would not seem less wondrous than your joy;

And you would accept the seasons of your
heart, even as you have always accepted
the seasons that pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity
through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.

It is the bitter potion by which the
physician within you heals your sick self.

Therefore trust the physician, and drink
his remedy in silence and tranquillity:

For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided
by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips,
has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter
has moistened with His own sacred tears. 

(Khalil Gibran: Your pain is....)


  1. a healing post, it has to be a healing post, this one.

  2. Hi, Cris,
    I'm glad you came back, it took more than a season...
    A yolk for the sun! A wonderful image for the sun's germinal powers! The window pane is there to hide nothing and reveal only half of the rest. :-)
    The sun makes its way through all reflections to look at you! You had better call him in! He may have stories to tell...
    On first looking at the post I had the impression the yolk is crammed in a sea of feathers and had difficulty to break through. A feathered sun! A cosmic gift!

  3. lumina transpare,irupe,invaluieste,toamna(inca)se joaca,singura si modesta in perfectiunea fiecarei tresariri,sigura pe ea,neavand nevoie de nimic,sigura ca se daruieste,sigura ca este gravata in ceea ce va continua sa fie mereu;in ferestre de toamna vad implinirea nazuintelor care ne-au fost uneori nostalgice,iar salul imi tine de cald

  4. Ciudata si neclara lume in fotografia ta. Iar in punctul portocaliu, eu vad un soare.

  5. Dear Roxana,
    your words heal, as they always do. As for the post, who knows?

  6. Hi, my dearest anonymous woman,

    I am equally glad to find you follow my blog. Indeed, it took more than a season to come back to blogging but again seasons are relative tokens.

    My sun has stories to tell, as you have guessed – how silly to call it ‘my sun’, isn’t it? It could be a sun and you and Vladimir read it the same way but the truth is that it is not. This small detail is of no relevance anyhow.

    I like the image of ‘a feathered sun’. A powerful image, indeed. Hunting also.

    I hope you will come again. :)

  7. Cerasela,

    cuvintele tale sunt poezii inca nestiute. Si asteptate.

  8. Buna, Vladimir,

    Ma bucur ca lumea din fotografiile mele ti se pare neclara si stranie. Ar fi trist sa fie clara si obisnuita, nu?

  9. Hi, Cris, and thank you for your answer! I thought only Santa could bring you back! :-)
    I am not a regular blog reader.But reading your blog and one or two others has somehow turned into a fine pastime and even into a form of instruction for me.:-)
    I particularly love the beautiful marriages of image to words that they so generously and truly artistically offer. And your blog is so fresh and it so vividly reflects your progress as a scholar and as a photographer. As as an individual, too, I guess. So, keep doing what you're doing! It's simply marvelous!

  10. Hi, dear anonymous woman,
    I think Santa brought an early gift. :)
    I am not a very regular blog reader myself or a regular blogger for that matter. But, just like you, I enjoy reading some fine blogs which offer so much.
    I am not sure I can call myself a photographer or a scholar but it is true that I have evolved a bit as an individual. Or, at least, I have changed since I have started blogging.
    Thank you again for your kind words. They came at a time when the thought of closing this world of private dreams was more and more serious. But I will be here for a while. Your words and your presence had some weight.

  11. Cristina, am ajuns printr-un labirint de căutări în paginile blogului tău. Aş spune că era scris să le descopăr :) Aş spune că fotografiile acestea reflectă şi teritorii din lumea mea interioară.

    Este o respiraţie adâncă, care cuprinde nu doar inima, ci şi eternitatea pe care ea o conţine. Şi nu o cuprinde îngrădind, ci aşa cum fac marile iubiri - descătuşând.

    Mă bucur că am ajuns în spaţiul acestor vise. Îmi doresc să postez în paginile blogului meu fotografii de-ale tale. Mi-ar plăcea să dai o raită pe acolo, să vezi dacă găseşti o răscruce unde visele noastre se întâlnesc :)

    Mi-ar plăcea să ne împrietenim visele. Vei găsi fotografii şi la mine, fără numele autorilor din păcate, pentru că pe vremea când cutreieram netul căutând imagini splendide nu mă gândeam că voi avea blog... Fie-mi iertată scăparea, te rog.

    Visele tale povestesc mai bine fără cuvinte? Sau... Unde sunt scrierile tale?

    Te aştept.

  12. Draga Dulcedeea,

    Ma bucur ca m-ai vizitat si ai scris. La fel, ma bucur ca iti place lumea viselor de aici.
    Eu nu prea am mare talent la scris, nici nu sunt destul de perseverenta, de aceea nu prea postez creatii proprii, ci prefer sa imprumut ceea ce cei cu talent au scris mai bine decat o pot face eu. ;-)
    Ti-am frunzarit blogul, este tare interesant, o mixtura inedita de imagini si text; voi reveni, cu siguranta.
    Cine stie, poate, intr-adevar, lumile viselor sunt mai asemanatoare decat credem noi. Sa vedem ce putem face cu ale noastre... ;-)

  13. Mulţumesc şi eu că ai venit în ospeţie pe la mine, Cristioara. Şi eu cutreier prin grădinile împărăţiei tale. Fermecătoare. Seducătoare. Daaaaaaaa :)


Things I should know

My photo
Starea ta naturala (perfecţiunea) nu este nici entuziasmul, nici descurajarea. Starea ta naturală este liniştea. * Iubirea musei nu e pasională, e totală. Musa cunoaşte ceva asemănător adoraţiei, dar mai adânc, mai liniştit. Vă scriu din altă lume... * (Gellu Naum: Calea Şearpelui)

Things you should know

All photographs and texts belong to me unless otherwise noted.