Wednesday, 21 December 2011

When things settle down, winter becomes winter again


  1. i love this thought of things quietly settling down, people gathered by the warmth of the fire, contemplating the fall of snow, even reddish snow :-), away from the noise of the days (which is not where i am now) - but i can have that through your winter story, and i am most grateful for it...

  2. Mi-ai amintit de nişte fotografii făcute de mine. Dacă îmi permiţi...

    Mă bucur sincer că mai apari pe aici :)

  3. Dear Cris,
    I love this fine atmospheric post. And the light in each and every sequence: shy and hidden among branches, streetlights like suns in agony, snow turned into a rain of fire...And the cozy pink roof of a house promising, luring ... Winter seems to have recovered its identity in your post... Good old luminous winter!

  4. Dear all,

    thank you for writing, for waiting, for being here, with me, throughout my reddish winter. I've kept you waiting so long...

    Liebe Roxana,
    I am most grateful for your words. You always find meaning in what I post here, how could I forget this?

    Ma bucur si eu ca mai apari pe aici si ca imi arati fotografiile tale vechi de care mie imi e tare dor.

    Dear A.,
    your precious words keep me posting. I love the way you read my photos, the way you reinvent the story behind each of them. It is so good to have you here.


Things I should know

My photo
Starea ta naturala (perfecţiunea) nu este nici entuziasmul, nici descurajarea. Starea ta naturală este liniştea. * Iubirea musei nu e pasională, e totală. Musa cunoaşte ceva asemănător adoraţiei, dar mai adânc, mai liniştit. Vă scriu din altă lume... * (Gellu Naum: Calea Şearpelui)

Things you should know

All photographs and texts belong to me unless otherwise noted.