Thursday, 22 May 2014

Their heart we do not know

Fish never tire of water; no one other than a fish knows their heart. 
Birds love the woods; no one other than a bird knows their heart. 
The same is true of those who savor reclusion.

(Kamo no Chomei, Tr. David Barnhill)



*The title of this post is a line from Bashō, the Japanese poet. 
I thank Michael Tweed for sharing the beautiful lines from Kamo no Chomei on Roxana Ghita's blog. 
And, it goes without saying, Roxana's post has been inspiring. 
The only difference is that my fish has no name yet.


  1. He/She is beautiful—quite the stunning colour! So may i suggest that you name him Sora (空). Roxana will know what it means. :)

  2. It is a he, apparently. ;-) I also love the colour. I will name him Sora. Does it mean 'vacant'/ 'unthinking'? [I haven't asked Roxana yet. ;-)]

    1. It's Japanese for blue, the sky, and of course in Eastern religions a clear blue sky also represents emptiness, so that is also one of its meanings. It really seems perfect! :)
      (but i'm sure R. can clarify the meaning more precisely)

    2. She has indeed clarified it! ;-)
      Thank you for bringing the beauty of blue skies and their deeper meanings in my private dreams ;-)

    3. My pleasure. he's a lucky fish to have the opportunity to swim in your sky.
      Note too that Sora is an anagram of the English "soar" :)

    4. haha… i just realized another anagram is "oars"

    5. ;-) Wow! All these mean that Sora is the perfect name for my he-fish. ;-) I particularly like the last anagram, it makes me confident, all of a sudden.
      Thank you, pensum, for all these meaningful meanings. ;-)

  3. s-a intamplat exact ceea ce imi era teama ca se va intampla, nu mi-a aparut comentariul,nu stiu de ce, am banuit de atunci ceva, nu imi aparea ca va fi aprobat de tine-in fine, ma simt ca mereu in fata unei pierderi,desi nu cred sa se fi pierdut o capodopera:)
    dar cred ca scriam ceva destul de nepotrivit,poate,cu postarea, insa asa simt eu: imi aduce in minte reprezentarea mea despre camera aceea de pluta in care au curs valurile de cerneala aflate in cautarea timpului pierdut, si regasit doar in ceea ce putem trai,in modul laic, mai inalt: regasirea lui prin frumusete. prin blandete si libertate,prin toata aceasta delicatete transparenta, imi vine sa spun ca este ca si cum ti-ai cumpara o casa cu obiecte din sticla foarte subtire, pentru a te disciplina si a te afla in lume incet,usor si atent,si,apoi,dupa trainingul in sticla, totul ar deveni firesc, spontan


Things I should know

My photo
Starea ta naturala (perfecţiunea) nu este nici entuziasmul, nici descurajarea. Starea ta naturală este liniştea. * Iubirea musei nu e pasională, e totală. Musa cunoaşte ceva asemănător adoraţiei, dar mai adânc, mai liniştit. Vă scriu din altă lume... * (Gellu Naum: Calea Şearpelui)

Things you should know

All photographs and texts belong to me unless otherwise noted.