Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Autumn encounter








  1. welcome back, and please keep the posts coming.

  2. thank you, pensum.
    I will, as long as you also keep yours coming. :)

    [this sounds like blackmail, isn't it?! :))]

  3. Hi, Cris,
    A beautiful post, an Indian summer, isn't it? The little red berries are culturally associated with Christmas time - the time of all encounters, of all beginnings. Red is such a powerful color for autumn, or winter. I also associate them with a sense of summer that never leaves me, not even in the coldest days of winter. I find hope in every icicle as long as there are red berries at my feet!
    And the blurred images of frosted branches and small ice flowers (this is what I see) look like new friends: they are nice, but cold and ...uncertain. They can melt any minute. Haha!

  4. am dat de acest blog din intamplare. am zabovit, putin uimit.
    frumoase imagini. probabil ca sunt cu "cheie". din pacate nu am cheile si nu stiu povestile. dar, probabil, privind imaginile si rostind cuvintele poate apar si cheile. poate si autorul ajuta, desi cred ca acest autor isi propune sa fie criptic. :) asa incat voi mai arunca cate o privire.

    la buna revedere.

  5. imi pare rau, prea multi de "poate" alaturi de un "probabil" :)). rog autorul sa corecteze aceste "consecvente". sa stearga cuvintele care nu merg, care sunt in plus.

  6. Someone,
    'Autorul' nu poate sa stearga nimic, nici sa adauge. El poate fi de acord sau nu cu comentariul, publicandu-l sau nu. Ceea ce inseamna ca 'autorul' nu mai este autor, cel putin nu in sens traditional - autorul care poate interveni in lumea pe care o creeaza, sa ii dea alta forma sau sa o modifice doar pe ici, pe colo - ci spectator.
    In fond, nu e nimic rau in conditia de spectator al propriului blog.

  7. Dear anonymous woman,
    You see, now I truly understand why I have posted these particular photos with red berries and iced flowers. When you write of it, this world of private dreams takes a different meaning from what I had in mind, which is always a reward.
    Such a beautiful poem you wrote there: ‘I find hope in every icicle as long as there are red berries at my feet!’. I would like to make a post with this image, red berries at the feet of a mysterious, well-read and so well spoken woman. I have to figure out a way. ;-)
    For me, autumn is the season of hope and this post was the close encounter with it. Your Christmas reference fits perfectly into this autumn mood.

  8. someone,
    cred ca stii povestile si mai cred ca ai si cheile. ;) cat priveste cripticismul, autorul acestui blog si-l asuma. ;-)
    la buna revedere, atunci.

  9. Dearest Cris,
    This is a wonderful idea! I would be very happy to inspire you to devise a new fully-berried post! It will be my Christmas present!

  10. Dearest anonymous woman,
    I am so glad you find my idea appealing. So does this mean you will pose for me? ;-) Or am I too bold? ;-)
    I was afraid you would find my thought too daring when I replied to your comment. I am glad it was not so. Now I am afraid I will not take beautiful photos for the fully-berried post.

  11. tragica betie,moale leganare,aceste dantelate toamne,este totul acolo,si fructele lor minunate,dupa care imi intind mainile,printre spini

  12. doar tu stii, draga cerasela, sa treci de spini si sa culegi fructele colorate. si este atata gratie in gestul tau, mereu.

  13. Dearest Cris,
    I couldn't pose for you even if I would. We are worlds apart.. I don't think I know where exactly you reside now.
    On the other hand I really don't want a post with myself stuck like a broomstick in it. I'm not fit for images.I'm much more comfortable among words. That's why I would kindly ask you not to bear a grudge against me and take a photo of ... the idea of myself:-)

  14. How could I bear a grudge against you, dearest Anonymous Woman?
    I had guessed we were worlds apart but it didn’t seem a good enough reason not to pop the question. ; )
    Anyway, I don’t think you are not fit for images but you are definitely a master of words. ;-)
    You see?! You had me convinced... ;)

  15. Dearest Cris,
    I'm all ears but mostly eyes. I'm very enthusiastic about it, but on the other hand, I don't want to put any pressure on you. You can do it now, if you feel like it, or next December. Or never-never. :-)

  16. Dearest A.,
    I feel like it, my imagination went wild :) but now I have to convince a woman to let me photograph her and, as you can see, it is not that easy. :))
    I will do my best and I hope I won't disappoint in any way, either by taking it or not.


Things I should know

My photo
Starea ta naturala (perfecţiunea) nu este nici entuziasmul, nici descurajarea. Starea ta naturală este liniştea. * Iubirea musei nu e pasională, e totală. Musa cunoaşte ceva asemănător adoraţiei, dar mai adânc, mai liniştit. Vă scriu din altă lume... * (Gellu Naum: Calea Şearpelui)

Things you should know

All photographs and texts belong to me unless otherwise noted.